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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Veronica Messegee!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SAB

We also have other 57 arrangements of "Joy to the World".

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Related song categories are:
Second Coming/Millenium

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Song background:
It is often a challenge to get enough men in a ward choir to sing pieces written in 4 parts. Often, wards will be without tenors or basses completely (at least in my experience!), which is even more of a challenge. I want to arrange hymns in 3 parts so that choirs facing this challenge will be more successful. 


It's my belief that the more successful a choir is, the more they will attract new singers. It is my hope that one day my arrangements won't be used because there will be enough male singers (and singers, in general) to sing other, more beautiful works. But until then....I hope this helps someone.
Originally, I arranged the parts so that they could be sung with the hymnal arrangement as accompaniment. However, I felt that the piano might overshadow the singing of smaller groups and decided to arrange a simple accompaniment that can be played, if prefered. I also played around with the typical alto part. You should notice that the altos do double duty of sorts.  When the alto lyrics differ from the sopranos, the alto lyrics appear in parenthesis.  I hope it's not too confusing.


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