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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Kevin G. Pace!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Duet/Piano Ensemble

We also have other 57 arrangements of "Joy to the World".

See more from Kevin G. Pace.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Second Coming/Millenium
Simplified Arrangement/Easy Play

Comments for this piece:
From Connie Venti: Thank you for this duet. I found it just in the nick of time to give to my Level 1 student who was just not quite up to playing this carol as a two-part solo. We will use it in our music teachers' association recital on Dec. 15. Well done!!!
5.0 stars.

More about Kevin G. Pace:
KEVIN G. PACE is an award-winning composer and musician. He has written numerous works in many different genres including music for choir, beginning to advanced piano solo, and piano duet and chamber music. His music ranges from sacred to blues to boogie to classical/romantic to modern. Kevin has a degree in music composition from the University of Utah. He also has two degrees in special education. He lives with his lovely wife and large Golden Retriever in West Jordan, Utah. His hobbies include writing music, playing the piano, running, and spending time with his family. He has six children and 19 grandchildren.
Song background:

An easy, fun piano duet (one piano, four hands). The Primo part is comprised of the melody using one or two notes at a time with 5 finger hand positions. The Primo part could also be used as solo.  The Secondo part is more difficult to play. These pieces are ideal for teacher and student or parent and child. Excellent for use in all church meetings, religious services, family home evenings and other such gatherings.

You can also visit the author's original page for this piece (opens in a new window).
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