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Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo
We also have other 59 arrangements of "Joseph Smith's First Prayer".
See more from Sara Jonassen.
Heavenly Father
Joseph Smith
Trust in God
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge
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***new dynamics updates and explanations*** I spent a long time figuring out how to make this arrangement reverent and as awe-inspiring as the true events it depicts without going overboard. My inspiration was Ravel's "Lever du Jour," which has so many musical bird sounds and in which you can literally hear the sun rising. In my humble arrangement, be sure to make the LH sixteenth note accompaniment very delicate. I find it helpful to think of the hymn lyrics while playing this arrangement. Then you will be sure to get the correct feel (example: if you think "But undaunted, still he trusted," your voicing of the melody will change to a very fervent, faithful, and firm touch). The strongest part of the piece is the key change into the third verse through measure 48. The text phrase in the hymn by George Manwaring reads: "Suddenly a light descended, Brighter far than noonday sun, And a shining glorious pillar O'er him fell, around him shone." Immediately after that, the volume drops because the lyrics go on to speak of the appearance of divinity. In measure 62, however, the hymn lyrics step back, as it were, into a teaching mode, explaining that Joseph's "humble prayer was answered," so the dynamics become more firm to establish that sense of comfort and teaching. Triplets, of course, for the "rapture" that "filled his bosom." Truly--let the reverent joy sing out as you play! I hope you find this arrangement acceptably balanced between reverence and excitement.