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Voicing/Instrumentation: SSA

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More about Pamela Sortomme:
Pamela Sortomme has been writing music for over 35 years. She studied music and composition at BYU and Cal State U in Sacramento. Teaching children music from the age of12 she has also taught private music lessons in her studio for over 37 years, creating many themed musical programs and recitals. She has written music for local schools and accompanied for a high school choir. As a choir director she has arranged and written and directed music and many programs for ward and stake choirs. She has participated in local community choirs and Musical theater as a soloist. In 2019 Pamela directed a Bi-County Honor Choir in the Spokane Opera House. She has written music for children, piano, choir, some instrumental and chime music and shares her original and arranged music at her website www.soundsofsortomme.com. With her husband she has raised seven children.
Song background:

Jesus the Very Thought of Thee

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