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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Andrew Moore!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Choir Unison, Vocal Solo

We also have other 33 arrangements of "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear".

See more from Andrew Moore.

Visit composer's personal website.

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Comments for this piece:
5.0 stars.

From Jason Hunsaker: Simple and yet delightful.
5.0 stars.

Song background:

A completely new tune to the Christmas hymn "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear".  Ideal for either choir or solo musical item.

Practice audio parts and full piano accompaniment can be downloaded from here, along with many other arrangements and original tunes to well-known carols. 

Part of the "Carols for Christmas" book of carols and songs.


You can also visit the author's original page for this piece (opens in a new window).
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