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Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Duet/Piano Ensemble, Piano Solo

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Related song categories are:
Flute Optional Obbligato/Flute Accompaniment

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More about Justin K. Reeve:
Justin Reeve is a native of Utah, and has played the piano for over 30 years, and has composed his own musical compositions and arrangements for most of that time. He loves performing in the community, and has done so for social gatherings, conferences, devotionals, assisted living centers, and is a regular pianist at McKay-Dee Hospital in Ogden. Outside his music, Justin is a software engineer and educational technology consultant, and a husband and father of four.
Song background:

John Jacob Niles was traveling through a raucous revivalist meeting in North Carolina on July 16, 1933. A group was about to begin street preaching, when a girl stepped out of the entourage. She was unkempt and ragged, but once she started singing she had a beautiful voice. She smiled as she sang a single line of a song: "I wonder as I wander out under the sky..." with the reasons for Christ's death as the central question and message of the poignant, yet simple tune.

Niles asked the girl to sing the song fragment seven more times over again, paying her a quarter each time she did, while he jotted it down in his notebook. From this, he composed "I Wonder As I Wander," with four phrases and three stanzas. The song was completed on October 4, 1933, and premiered at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, North Carolina.

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