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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Vanessa Gledhill!

Voicing/Instrumentation: ST, 2 part choir, Duet

See more from Vanessa Gledhill.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Fatherhood/Father's Day
Heavenly Father

Comments for this piece:
From Ruth A.: This is beautiful. I think it would make a gorgeous father-daughter duet for Fathers' Day.
5.0 stars.

More about Vanessa Gledhill:
The moment my family inherited our 100 year old piano, it was love at first sight for me. Before I learned to read music, I was composing songs on the piano. That passion for creating music has stayed with me throughout my life. I love to share my testimony through song. I hope my music can uplift, bring a smile to, and draw others closer to Christ.
Song background:

Vocal duet with piano. A heartfelt song about reaching out to Heavenly Father in moments of fear and uncertainty; finding comfort in His promise that He is always with us, guiding and protecting us. A beautiful reminder of His constant presence and love.

I Will Not Leave You (by Vanessa Gledhill)

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Sheet music playthrough video:
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Lyrics: Father? Oh, can you hear me?
This place I'm in feels dark.
I'm lost and need thee.
Pleading. I'm down here pleading.
Please say you know the way.
Please say you see me.

Hush my child;
Be still, I am with you.
Every hurt and cry
I can feel, too.
Ev'ry twist and turn;
Always in view.
Cradled in my love;
I will stay true.

I will not leave you.
And I will keep you safe.
I will bring you Home again.
I will not leave you.
I promise evermore,
I will always be with you.

Verse 3:
Verse 1 and 2 overlap

I will not leave you.
And I will keep you safe.
I will bring you Home again.
I will not leave you.
I promise evermore,
I will always be with you.

Father, I know you hear me.
And though it may feel dark
You're still here with me.
Lead me. I know you'll lead me.
I trust you know the way.
You will not leave me.
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