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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Linda Hartman!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo

See more from Linda Hartman.

Visit composer's personal website.

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Comments for this piece:
From Dave Wallace: I have listened to dozens of renditions of this song, and this is one of the most beautiful and sensitive treatments. I loved listening to it! Thank you very much!
5.0 stars.

From Malcolm: Absolutely beautiful arrangement, thank you. Now I have to transpose it so I can sing along.
5.0 stars.

From Brenda H: beautiful arrangement and easy to read for beginners. Thank you so much for helping me out in an emergency.......
5.0 stars.

From Lorna: Thanks very much for this lovely arrangement.
5.0 stars.

From Ruth Rehm: I love this beautiful piece of music and was about to arrange it myself into a piano solo but decided to see if I could find it already written as such. Thank you Linda. You saved me a lot of time. It is beautifully arranged.
5.0 stars.

From Scott Sanders: Thank you for your generosity of making this available. I look forward to playing it and blessing others, too. It is a very inspirational arrangement.
5.0 stars.

From Scott Sanders: Thank you for your generosity of making this available. I look forward to playing it and blessing others, too. It is a very inspirational arrangement.
5.0 stars.

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