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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ryan Nelson!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Heavenly Father
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Savior/Jesus Christ

Comments for this piece:
From Jeanne: I've heard this family sing their song in Sacrament Meeting. It's beautiful and has a wonderful message for all of us but is especially easy for children to understand.
5.0 stars.

Song background:

This is a primary song our family wrote one evening for family home evening.  We would like to share it with others.

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Lyrics: I think about Jesus at church
when I take the sacrament.
I think of the things that the savior taught me
and I'm grateful that I can repent.
I try to be reverent and still
and listen oh so carefully.
The Holy Ghost helps me to feel warm inside
and I know that my Savior loves me.

I think about Jesus at home
when I'm with my family.
I'm helpful and kind and I try hard to mind
all the things that my parents teach me.
I ponder the scriptures and pray
and love my neighbors faithfully.
I'm glad to be part of the wonderful plan
Heavenly Father created for me.

When I think about Jesus I feel warm inside and I know that my Savior loves me.
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