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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Whitney Hawker!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo

We also have other 2 arrangements of "I Saw Three Ships".

See more from Whitney Hawker.

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Comments for this piece:
From Jacob McGriff: I enjoyed this arrangement! When I get to the piano, I'm looking forward to playing it!
5.0 stars.

More about Whitney Hawker:
Whitney Hawker, M.M. and NCTM, lives with her family in Washington. She loves composing for her students & for herself. Recordings of hymns are available on Apple Music, iTunes, and Spotify.
Song background:

Such a gorgeous, short melody that’s perfect for your next Christmas event! This arrangement at the early advanced level, sparkles and shows off the pianist’s talents while being perfectly appropriate for any Christmas program. The melody of this short English tune has endured for hundreds of years till it became a staple Christmas song we all love to sing. Set in the key of C, there are few accidentals so it’s a very approachable solo for any intermediate student and such a fun piece to play! Enjoy!

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