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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Dean Reed Guymon!
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More about Dean Reed Guymon:
Trumpet; BS from BYU; Electrical Contractor; Master Electrician. At times melodies have come easily. One song was played on an Orem radio station for awhile. At 3 funerals and 2 sacrament meetings, Mother's Song was sung. Babe Of Light was sung in two sacrament meetings and at a stake "choirside." Mostly, my music has remained dormant for years.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Dean Reed Guymon!
See more from Dean Reed Guymon.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
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More about Dean Reed Guymon:
Trumpet; BS from BYU; Electrical Contractor; Master Electrician. At times melodies have come easily. One song was played on an Orem radio station for awhile. At 3 funerals and 2 sacrament meetings, Mother's Song was sung. Babe Of Light was sung in two sacrament meetings and at a stake "choirside." Mostly, my music has remained dormant for years.
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In 1983, my electrical job was about 300 miles away from our Wheatland, Wyoming home. This melody came to my mind as I was driving, somewhere near Urie, Wyoming, the location of my job. My wife and three smaller children were at home. I often took a cassette tape recorder with me to capture melodies of interest to me. The song is for my wife, Harriet. When we were engaged, she met me at the SLC airport with sparkling eyes and a happy smile – mentioned in the song. I had driven from Wheatland to Urie where I was working on a new school.”

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