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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Keri Hains Kammerman!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Keri Hains Kammerman.
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More about Keri Hains Kammerman:
Sisters Keri and Lisa have been writing music together for about 10 years. Lisa is the lyricist and Keri the composer. The two live in different states, so they're grateful for technology that allows them to work together! In their daily lives, Lisa has a Ph.D. in neuropsychology with a specialty in traumatic brain injury. She provides rehabilitation for veterans and people who have sports concussions. She has 3 children who are all young adults. Keri works full time as an interfaith chaplain for a hospice company. She has a blended family with 10 children, all teens and young adults.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Keri Hains Kammerman!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Keri Hains Kammerman.
Related song categories are:
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Children's Songs
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
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Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon
Children's Songs
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
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More about Keri Hains Kammerman:
Sisters Keri and Lisa have been writing music together for about 10 years. Lisa is the lyricist and Keri the composer. The two live in different states, so they're grateful for technology that allows them to work together! In their daily lives, Lisa has a Ph.D. in neuropsychology with a specialty in traumatic brain injury. She provides rehabilitation for veterans and people who have sports concussions. She has 3 children who are all young adults. Keri works full time as an interfaith chaplain for a hospice company. She has a blended family with 10 children, all teens and young adults.
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