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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to David D. Deakin!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Guitar Chords Available
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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to David D. Deakin!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Guitar Chords Available
See more from David D. Deakin.
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The song is based on Moses' vision of the Savior, and his instruction to refer to the Redeemer as "I AM." The piece explains what "I AM" means.

Lyrics: If they ask you, "What is His name?" Here's what you say to them, I AM.
If they ask you, "What does it mean?" You tell them everything I AM.
I am your Advocate with the Father; Redeemer from sin.
I AM, I Was, and I will always Be.
If you're feeling afraid and weak, I am all powerful. I AM.
If you're feeling confused and lost, I am all knowing. I AM.
There is no pain that I have not also felt. No grief new to Me.
I AM, and will, be everything you need.
If you're feeling inadequate, I am Omnipotent. I AM.
If you've fallen short of the mark, I am so merciful. I AM. I am Deliverer, and your Savior, your King and your God.
And you can be a joint-heir here with Me.
Be a joint-heir here with Me.
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