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Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo

See more from Charles E. Davis.

Visit composer's personal website.
See more from Maria A. Davis.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Missionary Work
Savior/Jesus Christ

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More about Charles E. Davis:
Charles E. and Maria A. Davis are songwriters living in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland. Maria has been writing lyrics and poetry for several years. Both Charles and Maria enjoy writing music in English and Spanish, and have published several vocal, choral, and instrumental works commercially. They are Award of Merit Winners in the LDS Church 2014 Church Music Submission Awards.
More about Maria A. Davis:
Charles E. and Maria A. Davis are songwriters living in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Maria has been writing lyrics and poetry for several years. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland. Both Charles and Maria enjoy writing music in English and Spanish. They are Award of Merit Winners in the LDS Church 2014 Church Music Submission Awards.
Song background:

Our grandson Bidkar Rosas Jr. requested that we, his grandparents, write him a song for his upcoming baptism similar to the primary song “Follow the Prophet.”  English and Spanish versions of this song were then written.  “I am a Happy Child” was sung for Bidkar’s baptism, and now we share this song for other children to sing and enjoy as well.

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Lyrics: Verse 1:
I am a happy child.
Today’s a special day.
For I shall be baptized
And take our Savior’s name.

The Holy Spirit guides
And will help me every day,
If I remain true to covenants
I make today.

Verse 2:
Though I am very young,
I know my future’s bright.
From evil I’ll turn away and
Choose to do what’s right.

My parents I’ll obey
And my love with family share.
With friends who are near and far
The gospel I’ll declare.

Verse 3:
The Holy Spirit whispers
You’re a child of God.
So I choose to listen
And grasp the iron rod.

Lord, lead me with thy light
As I walk the path of life.
I want to return to thee
In dignity and faith.

Heavenly Father
I’m grateful for thy Son.
When I am baptized
My soul shall be white as snow.
I promise thee, Lord that
I shall strive to be
Worthy and faithful
Unto thee.

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