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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Marika Lee!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SA

We also have other 73 arrangements of "I Need Thee Every Hour".

See more from Marika Lee.

Visit composer's personal website.

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Comments for this piece:
From Kendrik: Me and a friend sang this song...it is so beautifully arranged. I love this song and would totally recommend it to everyone!!!
5.0 stars.

More about Marika Lee:
Marika Connole was born in Germany to American and Swedish parents. During the 20+ years Marika has been homeschooling her children, she has crafted dozens of educational products, composed and arranged hundreds of pieces of music, published books for or about children, frugality, childbirth, humor, and cooking. Marika enjoys reading, cooking, playing piano, organizing and DIY projects. With her husband, Kevin Lee, she founded www.completeleefamily.com to help strengthen families and individuals through life’s journey. Although she tends to shy away from limelight, Marika has been a keynote speaker, convention speaker, held workshops and seminars, and taught a many classes to children and/or adults.
Song background:

Sitting in a Stake Adult meeting on a Saturday night, the congregation joined in singing this hymn.  In the middle of the song, ideas started coming to mind as I felt the powerful message of the lyrics.  The next day I started playing around with the ideas, not sure what was going to come of them. As it turned out, four different arrangements were born of those initial ideas.  It took a few weeks to finish as I went about studying the song and the lyrics, hearing from my missionary son that it was one of his favorites, contemplating the meaning of these words in my own life, etc.  I came to realize the message is oh so true.  I need my Savior every hour.  

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