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Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo
We also have other 42 arrangements of "Abide With Me, Tis Eventide".
We also have other 73 arrangements of "I Need Thee Every Hour".
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Trust in God
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More about Anne Britt:
Anne and her husband currently lives in Keizer, Oregon. After raising an awesome blended family of six children, they are now enjoying the empty-nester life. Anne grew up in a musical family in southern Oregon and took to the piano at a young age. As an adult, she enjoys collaborating with other musicians of all ages at Linfield University, local high schools, and in the community. Anne has also discovered a talent for composing music. She has always enjoyed listening to and playing music in a wide variety of styles, and now she’s able to carry that into her writing as well, experimenting with everything from New Age and classical to boogie-woogie, swing, funk, and gospel blues. She likes the challenge of taking a simple, familiar tune and putting a new twist on it to give it a different feel. And composing allows her to take an experience from life and capture the sights, sounds, and emotions of it in music in order to relive the experience and share it with others. In addition to music, Anne likes to play pickleball and wallyball, hike, go on bike rides, and bake delicious goodies to make up for the calories she burns doing those other things. She hopes to stay active to a very old age so she can continue to explore the amazing places around the Pacific Northwest and beyond. To listen to Anne’s music or browse her growing collection of sheet music, visit her website: Download free sheet music selections!
More about Church Publications:
These are works that were published at some point in the Ensign, Friend, or New Era, or other church publication, by selected composers.
This actually started out as just an arrangement of "I Need Thee Every Hour," but when I got about two pages in and was playing around with what to do next, what came out was not another verse of the hymn, but a natural transition into "Abide With Me; 'Tis Eventide." The time signature and mood of the two songs fit perfectly with each other, and then when I started thinking about the words, I knew it had to be. Two of my favorite hymns, together at last. This arrangement received the Special Recognition award in the 2010 Church Music Submission and was selected for publishing in the Church's online music library.
Also available on Anne's website at and the church's website
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