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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Nathan Howe!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SSAA

See more from Nathan Howe.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
A Cappella/Optional A Capella

Comments for this piece:
From Amy Peterson: love this song, always had my mom sing it as a bedtime song when i was little
5.0 stars.

More about Nathan Howe:
Nathan Howe is a Colorado composer, performer, and educator.
Song background:

A good mother-in-law is hard to find.  I got one.  She’s a member of an elite squad of singing ladies called Come Saturday Morning (perhaps because they practice early on Saturday mornings).  To honor them, I arranged this little ditty for four-part women’s voices.

For those LDS folks who still remember the old orange book used for Primary music, I Have a Garden is one of those children’s songs that didn’t make the cut for the new book. It has a simple tune and sweet words by Maryhale Woolsey. The lyrics of the second verse are perhaps more needed now than when the song was written.  It contains an important message for all Christians about controlling our thoughts and caring for our minds and hearts.

Although this arrangement is designed for a cappella women’s voices, a pianist could easily double the voices for use by a group that isn’t quite ready to sing without accompaniment (like many Relief Society or Young Women groups).


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