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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Lindy Kerby!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo

See more from Lindy Kerby.

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Related song categories are:
Motherhood/Mother's Day/Sisterhood

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More about Lindy Kerby:
Thanks Lindy!
Song background:

One day I was looking at my daughter Alyssa, and realizing how much she was growing up. The lyrics for this song came right to my mind.

I Don't Mind At All (by Lindy Kerby)

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Lyrics: Lyrics:
I look at her, my baby girl
she's getting big and tall
she's learning how to use her feet
from when she used to crawl
I watch her as she's letting go
and hope that she won't fall
but when I have to pick her up
I don't mind at all.

I think about the quiet times
she's cuddled next to me
Rocking in my rocking chair
while she sleeps peacefully
She doesn't need my rocking
but I wouldn't miss this call
to be of service to her
And I don't mind at all

It's a simple explanation
why I don't mind what I do
I get such joy from serving
in each little thing I do.
And each time that I serve her
my calling seems so clear.
How choice to be a mother
My purpose is made clear

Reflecting on the moment
when my baby is all grown,
married to a husband
with a daughter of her own,
but she'll still be my baby
and even when she's tall,
then I will still be serving,
And I won't mind at all.

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