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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Rachel Arrington!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Rachel Arrington.
Comments for this piece:
From Claudia Johanson: Beautiful song! Catching melody!
5.0 stars.
From Cherry Lou: Love the song so much, so beautiful. Thank you for making such wonderful song for primary. Adding this to one of my favorites.
5.0 stars.
From Liz: Our primary kids are learning this song. They started singing today and the Spirit filled the room, and my heart. Thank you Rachel
5.0 stars.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Rachel Arrington!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Rachel Arrington.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Book of Mormon
Children's Songs
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Trust in God
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Book of Mormon
Children's Songs
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Trust in God
Comments for this piece:
From Claudia Johanson: Beautiful song! Catching melody!
5.0 stars.
From Cherry Lou: Love the song so much, so beautiful. Thank you for making such wonderful song for primary. Adding this to one of my favorites.
5.0 stars.
From Liz: Our primary kids are learning this song. They started singing today and the Spirit filled the room, and my heart. Thank you Rachel
5.0 stars.
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This was written to be sung by primary children, but of course, anyone can sing it! The inspiration for this came after reading of Christ's visit to the Americas in our family scripture study. One verse stood out to me--3 Nephi 18:24. "Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen me do." As I pondered it, this song came to me. My daughter will be singing it at her baptism at the end of this month! 12/2016

Lyrics: V.1
I have a light inside my soul. When I make good choices it will grow.
Helping those who need me; repenting every day;
When I serve Him, I can hear Him say:
Hold up your light that it may shine. Show all the world that you are mine.
When others say you should doubt or walk away,
Listen to my spirit. Have faith, and you will hear it.
I'll strengthen you and help you see the light.
v. 2
There is a pattern to my choice:
Read the scriptures, heed the prophet's voice.
Pray to know the answer, live in the Savior's way,
Learn to hear the Holy Spirit say:
Hold up your light that it may shine. Show all the world that you are mine.
When others say you should doubt or walk away,
Listen to my spirit. Have faith, and you will hear it.
I'll strengthen you and help you see the light.
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