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Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet

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Song background:

This song is part of the larger "Because He First Loved Us" Easter cantata. It is a duet for Mary and Joseph to sing about the birth of the Christ child.

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Lyrics: This baby in my arms was sent from heav'n today
Tiny hands so tender and small, my heart more full than words can say
A perfect child here for me to care, to nurture and to love
His precious life has begun, a call I plead to be worthy of
But for now I hold you, my tiny Son
My child so dear, my Infant One

He was sent to us, born beneath the light
Of a new star here in Bethlehem
We will hold Him close by the lantern's glow
In the stable here in Bethlehem

This baby in my arms, a sacred holy Child
So helpless and so new, His face so meek and mild
My calloused hands, so rough and worn, will teach Him all they know
But I know that it will be me who will learn and who will grow
But for now I hold you, my tiny Son
My child so dear, my Infant One

There are so many things that He was sent here to do
I can hardly understand all that He will pass through

Only a manger for a bed is all I have to give
But I'll work and do all that I can to have a home where we can live
I look into His loving eyes and feel the softness of His skin
He is the infant Prince of Peace, all good is because of Him
But for now I hold you, my tiny Son
My child so dear, my Infant One
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