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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

See more from James Bryant.

Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo/Ensemble
Second Coming/Millenium

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More about James Bryant:
Ward & Stake choir director, Mobile Alabama. BA in Music from BYU, 1985.
Song background:

There are not a lot of hymns about the Second Coming, so I wrote one.

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Lyrics: He is coming back again no one knows that sacred hour
Thru the clouds He will descend clothed with glory, strength and power
O, the wonders we shall see when He comes in victory

He is coming back to bring His foretold millennial reign
All the temples then shall ring with the work that does remain
Satan will be bound that day for a thousand years to stay

He is coming back to reign every knee to Him will bend
Every tongue confess His name every heart will let Him in
Zion will rejoice and sing praise to earth’s returning king

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