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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
EFY style/Contemporary

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Song background:

A few years ago, my family and I went for a hike in Smithfield canyon in Cache Valley Utah.  It was a beautiful spring day, and as is typical of spring, the ground was very muddy.  Throughout our hike, I carefully watched the trail in front of me and my children so we could avoid the worst of the mud. When we got back to the car, I looked up and saw a breath-taking mountain vista.  It was so beautiful I just wanted to stay and look at it, but the kids were tired, and it was time for us to go. The thing was, that beautiful view had been all around us for our entire hike, but I was so busy watching out for the mud that I wasn't able to enjoy it. That experience was the inspiration behind this song. It became more meaningful to me this summer when a tragedy struck our family.  My cousin's four year old son unexpectedly passed away just as I was finishing writing this piece.  I have dedicated it in his memory, and hope that all who hear it will evaluate their priorities and make sure they take time for the things and people that really matter the most.

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