If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Emily Schramm!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SSA
We also have other 7 arrangements of "Hark, All Ye Nations!".
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More about Emily Schramm:
I am 23 years old and I'm a vocalist, cellist, and pianist. I began composing while serving an LDS mission in Carlsbad, California.
I served as a full-time missionary in the California, Carlsbad mission three years ago. Last summer I had the opportunity to live with a family I connected with there, and I arranged this hymn during that period. :) Hark, All Ye Nations was the hymn that my mission president chose as our mission hymn, and he wanted us to think of our missions every time we heard it from thereon. It became a special hymn to me! It happened to be one of the sacrament meeting hymns sung the first Sunday after my return home. For me, it was a special witness of God's love and awareness of me and His gratitude for my service. The melody for the second verse was a recurring original tune that had been playing on my mind for months before, and finally found a place inside of this arrangement. :)