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Voicing/Instrumentation: Euphonium, Harp Solo/Harp Optional Accompaniment/Harp Obbligato, Instrument Ensemble, Trumpet

We also have other 10 arrangements of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen".

See more from Vincent Allen.

Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ
French Horn

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More about Vincent Allen:
MSED QUEENS COLLEGE (Aaron Copeland School of Music) 2008 BA (cum laude) Long Island University (Bklyn. Campus) 1987 Studies at Berklee College of Music (1977-79) Studies at the Julliard School _(1990-92) Private composition studies with Julliard Professor and Symphonist Stanley Wolfe (1990-92. Church Organist, Music Teacher, also, Trumpeter.
Song background:

Songs of Christmas celebration , comfort and joy!

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