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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ben Alder!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Organ/Organ Accompaniment
See more from Ben Alder.
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More about Ben Alder:
Ben Alder was born and raised in St. George, Utah. He took piano lessons from Jaime Stucki at age 8 until moving on to the organ at age 14 with Kathleen Briggs as his teacher. He now takes organ lessons with acclaimed keyboardist (organ, piano, etc.) in Washington County, Geoff Myers. He has played in LDS Tabernacles in St. George, Utah, Paris, Idaho, Brigham City, Utah and Logan, Utah and even was invited to play the 5 manual (keyboards) Salt Lake Tabernacle organ hosted by now deceased tabernacle organist, Robert Cundick. He loves composing, improvising and arranging hymns and songs.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ben Alder!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Organ/Organ Accompaniment
See more from Ben Alder.
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More about Ben Alder:
Ben Alder was born and raised in St. George, Utah. He took piano lessons from Jaime Stucki at age 8 until moving on to the organ at age 14 with Kathleen Briggs as his teacher. He now takes organ lessons with acclaimed keyboardist (organ, piano, etc.) in Washington County, Geoff Myers. He has played in LDS Tabernacles in St. George, Utah, Paris, Idaho, Brigham City, Utah and Logan, Utah and even was invited to play the 5 manual (keyboards) Salt Lake Tabernacle organ hosted by now deceased tabernacle organist, Robert Cundick. He loves composing, improvising and arranging hymns and songs.
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This arrangement of "God Bless America" is in hymn form. This is only for congregational use for the people of the United States of America. The congregational hymn can be performed in patriotic firesides, concerts or sacrament meetings in the USA. The congregational hymn can be accompanied by either organ or piano.
First publish and perform for my stake congregation for an US Constitution fireside last year with first using Musescore software (now using Sibelius). Now it is available for any US congregation in the USA.
To all my fellow Americans, hope you enjoy using hymn in firesdes concerts or sacrament meetings.
God Bless America.
-Ben Alder-

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