If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Chad Staten!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Organ/Organ Accompaniment
We also have other 15 arrangements of "God Loved Us So He Sent His Son".
See more from Chad Staten.
Visit composer's personal website.
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Comments for this piece:
From Valerie Buckman: Very beautiful! Restful and powerful.
5.0 stars.
From Linda Hartman: Saw the post of facebook so it led me to come listen to nice. I will definitely use it.. Great to see some of the Sac hymns getting attention. All to many of them are pretty unknown. I really enjoy your deep musicianship skills!
5.0 stars.
From Colleen Owen: We loved using this arrangement for our Stake Choir to sing as prelude for Stake Conference. We used a slower tempo and sang it with a reverent style that added more focus to the lyrics combined with a rich organ registration . Not difficult for an experienced choir.
5.0 stars.
More about Chad Staten:
<PLEASE NOTE: I am migrating over to my own website. Please visit for access to more materials. Thanks!> Chad (Staten rhymes with Dayton) started on the violin in third grade in Logan, UT. At the age of eight, he sang in a stake primary children's choir at the Logan Tabernacle. This first real encounter with the organ deeply impressed him, and cemented in his mind a desire to play the organ. After his family moved to Beeville, a small town 60 miles from anywhere in south Texas during fifth grade, he switched to the piano because of limited orchestra resources in town. Chad was called to be a ward organist and choir accompanist starting in high school, and has served in those positions almost continuously ever since. He was an Organ Performance and Pedagogy major at BYU, where he studied with Richard Elliott, and played harpsichord and other instruments in the Early Music Ensemble under the direction of Doug Bush. He currently serves as a Guest Organist on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. Chad loves to compose, particularly for choir and organ. To support his music addiction, he works as an airline pilot and enjoys playing many different pipe organs at various destinations in the United States and Canada. Please take a moment to let me know if you have enjoyed or found useful anything I have posted here. And of course, please tell me if you find any errors!
This is another setting that is not "free," but it is very reasonably priced (no additonal charge for more than 10 licenses) to preserve your ward/stake music budget. The link below ("Click here to proceed") will take you to my website,
PIANO Accompaniment!! Previously, this setting was only available with an organ accompaniment that required two organists (an older version shown on this website) — a big problem for most wards and stakes in the church. This new accompaniment, which is not merely a “transcription for piano,” acknowledges the different characteristics of the piano while remaining as close as possible to the intent of the organ accompaniment.
A couple of years ago, we got a new choir director in our ward. Knowing how I enjoy composition, she "commissioned" me to write a few Hymnal+ type arrangements for the choir to sing in Sacrament Meeting. She gave me complete flexibility to choose which hymns to set. One of my favorite composers of hymn tunes is Tabernacle Organist Alexander Schreiner. I selected his God Loved Us So He Sent His Son to include as one of my first hymn settings for ward choir. All the voice parts are "right out of the book." As a big fan of the three and four hand organ accompaniments in General Conference, I rendered an accompaniment that masks the fact that the choir harmonies are completely unchanged which requires two people at the organ. To add interest and variety, I took some minor liberties with the rhythmic structure. Finally, I left off verse 5 (This sacrament doth represent...) and changed the order of the remaining verses so that the triumphant verse (Oh, Love effulgent...) is positioned at the end, and verse 4 becomes verse 3. I hope you will enjoy it and welcome your comments. If you use one of my pieces, I'd love to hear what the occasion was, and how it went!
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and see the free sheet music/downloads for this song on the author's website. You may need to search for it within their list.You can also bookmark/save this song arrangement to your personal sacredsheetmusic bookmark save list.