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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Terri Hutchings!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet
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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Terri Hutchings!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet
See more from Terri Hutchings.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
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Back in 1997 my husband and I were asked to write a song that would be performed in ward conferences here in Central Oregon. The theme that was chosen for the conference and that we were to try to capture was based on the passage of scripture in Luke 10: 25-37 – The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Our goal was to provide insight on how we might apply this story in our lives today.
The duet ‘Go, and Do Thou Likewise’ is the product of that request. Shortly after the song was written we made a quick trip to Utah and were lucky enough to incorporate the musical talents of my sweet family members for this recording. Thanks so much to my aunt, Teri Crockett, and sister-in-law, Debbie Hutchings, for lending their beautiful voices. Thanks also goes to my Uncle Denny for the fun recording session way back when. I LOVE FAMILY!!
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