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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Sally Deford!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo

See more from Sally Deford.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Violin Optional Obbligato/Violin Accompaniment

Comments for this piece:
From Kim: Amazing peaceful. Beautiful
5.0 stars.

From Kim: Amazing peaceful. Beautiful
5.0 stars.

From Aida Oliva: My dearest Sister DeFord: I have been listening and sometimes even singing your beautiful music for some time now. I am so blessed because of your talent and your willingness to share with the rest of us who are not as talented. Thank you for such inspiration and your God given talent! You are true gem in Heavenly Father's plan to help those of us who hear and sing your music. Thank you.
5.0 stars.

More about Sally Deford:
The original "free mormon music online" publisher, thank you Sally for letting us post your music!

Gethsemane (by Sally Deford)

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and see the free sheet music/downloads for this song on the author's website. You may need to search for it within their list.

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