If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Chad Staten!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Organ/Organ Accompaniment
We also have other 44 arrangements of "For the Beauty of the Earth".
See more from Chad Staten.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Linda Hartman: Just listened to this. Simply amazing! Muscianship of the highest caliber. Makes one hunger for a choir in front of them and someone like you at the organ so you could dive into it. Highest compliments.
5.0 stars.
More about Chad Staten:
<PLEASE NOTE: I am migrating over to my own website. Please visit for access to more materials. Thanks!> Chad (Staten rhymes with Dayton) started on the violin in third grade in Logan, UT. At the age of eight, he sang in a stake primary children's choir at the Logan Tabernacle. This first real encounter with the organ deeply impressed him, and cemented in his mind a desire to play the organ. After his family moved to Beeville, a small town 60 miles from anywhere in south Texas during fifth grade, he switched to the piano because of limited orchestra resources in town. Chad was called to be a ward organist and choir accompanist starting in high school, and has served in those positions almost continuously ever since. He was an Organ Performance and Pedagogy major at BYU, where he studied with Richard Elliott, and played harpsichord and other instruments in the Early Music Ensemble under the direction of Doug Bush. He currently serves as a Guest Organist on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. Chad loves to compose, particularly for choir and organ. To support his music addiction, he works as an airline pilot and enjoys playing many different pipe organs at various destinations in the United States and Canada. Please take a moment to let me know if you have enjoyed or found useful anything I have posted here. And of course, please tell me if you find any errors!
Here is another one of the arrangements I wrote for easy ward choir. Unfortunately, when I first learned of this site it was already too late to post this for American choirs to use in time for Thanksgiving in November, but this song certainly doesn't have to appear on your program only at Thanksgiving time.
This setting also features voice parts that are right out of the hymnal, though there are areas where the men sing the soprano and alto parts. The (organ) trumpet fanfare throughout makes for a festive mood in this joyful piece. Despite the key change, a resourceful choir director could teach the choir this piece using only the hymnal, if required. Two people seated at the organ are necessary to pull this one off. Like God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son the 3-4 hand organ accompaniment very effectively hides the fact that the voice parts are unchnaged from the hymnal. I hope you will enjoy it! If you use one of my pieces, I'd love to hear what the occasion was, and how it went!
Please note: in the recording, the voice parts are not heard. Only the organ accompaniment is heard.