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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Donnalynn Grunewald!
Voicing/Instrumentation: 2 part choir
We also have other 44 arrangements of "For the Beauty of the Earth".
See more from Donnalynn Grunewald.
Comments for this piece:
From Elaine Jaeke: Used this as a joint choir anthem recently at the area ecumenical Thanksgiving service, using guitar accompaniment. Very nice new tune.
5.0 stars.
More about Donnalynn Grunewald:
Most of my music is original. Because I have lived in small branches for most of my life, I try to write songs that can be performed by a small group or a choir of inexperienced singers.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Donnalynn Grunewald!
Voicing/Instrumentation: 2 part choir
We also have other 44 arrangements of "For the Beauty of the Earth".
See more from Donnalynn Grunewald.
Comments for this piece:
From Elaine Jaeke: Used this as a joint choir anthem recently at the area ecumenical Thanksgiving service, using guitar accompaniment. Very nice new tune.
5.0 stars.
More about Donnalynn Grunewald:
Most of my music is original. Because I have lived in small branches for most of my life, I try to write songs that can be performed by a small group or a choir of inexperienced singers.
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).This started out as a simple little melody set to the text of the well-known hymn. I wrote the whole thing out, harmonized it, wrote the accompaniment and sat back to listen and review it. The chorus just didn’t flow the way I had written it. It worked mathmatically, but something was wrong. I could have left it, but the Spirit had a different idea. It took me a while to figure out how to “fix” it, but the Spirit was very insistent. So, sorry for the meter changes in the chorus…
The D major arrangement is the same, save for the key. This puts it a bit higher for singers, but most significantly, raises the key of the modulated verse to E major for your accompanist.
The text is by Folliott S. Pierpoint (1835-1917)
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