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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Diane Tuiofu!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Viola
See more from Diane Tuiofu.
Visit composer's personal website.
See more from Toni Thomas.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Rachel: Neat composition! It captures the authenticity of Esther's time. Unique, striking, and one of a kind. I wish I could see the musical that goes with ;) It would be cool if Young Women could perform and other numbers as part of a New Beginnings featuring women of scripture. Choreograph a simple dance by her "handmaidens" in the background. This song really sparks the imagination.
5.0 stars.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Diane Tuiofu!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Viola
See more from Diane Tuiofu.
Visit composer's personal website.
See more from Toni Thomas.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Flute Optional Obbligato/Flute Accompaniment
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Flute Optional Obbligato/Flute Accompaniment
Comments for this piece:
From Rachel: Neat composition! It captures the authenticity of Esther's time. Unique, striking, and one of a kind. I wish I could see the musical that goes with ;) It would be cool if Young Women could perform and other numbers as part of a New Beginnings featuring women of scripture. Choreograph a simple dance by her "handmaidens" in the background. This song really sparks the imagination.
5.0 stars.
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window)."For Such a Time as This" tells the story of Esther, the queen who courageously risked her life to save her people. Known for her great beauty, she illustrates that each of us are put in the place where we are for a purpose, and given the gifts we need to succeed. Each woman has a mission that only she can accomplish.
Text by: Toni Thomas
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Lyrics: Verse 1
Behold the sun has risen,
I feel it warm my face.
Handmaiden bring me cloth of gold,
My finest for today,
To meet what lies before me,
I bring my strengths to bear:
I call upon my beauty,
But I count upon my prayers.
Verse 2
Today I seek unbidden,
A favor of the king;
Hand maiden bring me oil of myrrh
And all my precious things.
I’ll do my best to please him,
Yet know without a doubt
He has no power over me,
Except the power God allows
I cannot fail
This work is mine to do;
I must not fear
What things I must pass through;
For God will not permit
His work to go amiss.
Has not He given me these gifts
For such a time as this?
Verse 3
I know God is almighty;
His wisdom knows no bounds;
Handmaiden, will you pray with me
That wisdom may be found?
Although my heart is willing
To do what God requests;
No knowing what will happen,
May be for me the hardest test.
Repeat Chorus
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