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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Youth/Young Men/Young Women

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More about Rachel Mohlman:
Rachel Pettit Mohlman has always loved music. She started writing music as a pre-teen and continues to spend her spare time writing, arranging, playing and performing. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in Music Education with a choral emphasis. She enjoys being a full-time wife and mother (which is why sometimes the music comes slowly. . . where's all that spare time she mentioned?) Don't worry, there will be more coming! Anna Mohlman Molgard graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in Music with an emphasis in Media Music. She enjoys working in many aspects of the music business, particularly creating new works. Inspired by requests for various pieces, she founded Faithsong Publications LLC to provide well-crafted music written for sacred use. She has a gift for listening to the Spirit and strives to allow the Lord to guide her in using her talents to build His kingdom. To read more of Anna's work, visit her blogs: http://mygoodreport.blogspot.com/ http://www.praiseworthywords.blogspot.com/
Song background:

This song was written for the Tooele North Utah Stake Youth Trek 2005. It describes the journey we make from first little knowing or caring about those who have gone before, to feeling that we have somehow walked in their footsteps.

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Lyrics: Musty, faded, black and whitish photographs.
Stories I'd once heard and then forgotten.
Strange names and dates on stacks and stacks of paper.
Scenes from a world I never knew.

Faces in time I don't remember,
People from times I can't understand.
How can I begin to imagine their footsteps in a time not mine?

Step by step I start to examine what it must be like, that time they knew.
Seeing their dreams and lifting their bur-dens,
Seeing through time the life they knew.

Footsteps in time I somehow remember,
People from a time I now understand.
Now I can begin to imagine their footsteps in time, now mine.

Their struggles weren't so different, they had mountains yet to climb.
They cried and prayed and fell and had to rise.
They pushed on through the darkness, faced each single step in time,
Holding fast, moving on, keeping strong!

Faces in time I somehow remember,
People from a time I now understand.
I don't even have to imagine their foot-steps in time, they're mine.

Faces in time I somehow remember,
People from a time I now understand.
I don't even have to imagine their foot-steps in time, they're mine.
They're mine.
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