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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Don Sherwood!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SSA, Guitar, Guitar Chords Available
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More about Don Sherwood:
Originally from Colorado Springs, Colorado, Don is a father of 8 children and grandfather of 3 (so far). He studied music at Brigham Young University for a time before switching gears to pursue a career in Software Engineering, but has continued to be engaged in musical pursuits throughout his life, playing the cello or bass in many community symphonies over the years, and writing a number of hymn arrangements - mostly for ward and stake choirs. He serves now as choir director (for the 4th time) in his ward in Eagle Mountain, Utah.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Don Sherwood!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SSA, Guitar, Guitar Chords Available
See more from Don Sherwood.
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More about Don Sherwood:
Originally from Colorado Springs, Colorado, Don is a father of 8 children and grandfather of 3 (so far). He studied music at Brigham Young University for a time before switching gears to pursue a career in Software Engineering, but has continued to be engaged in musical pursuits throughout his life, playing the cello or bass in many community symphonies over the years, and writing a number of hymn arrangements - mostly for ward and stake choirs. He serves now as choir director (for the 4th time) in his ward in Eagle Mountain, Utah.
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This is a simple little christmas song for three-part women's voices accompanied by acoustic guitar. The women's voices represent the choir of angels heralding the birth of Christ to the shepherds, and inviting all to follow the star to find Jesus.

Lyrics: Come and see the baby.
Come and see the Christ child.
Follow the star, follow the star,
Follow the star to Bethlehem.
Come and hear the angels.
Come kneel with the shepherds.
Follow the star, follow the star,
Follow the star to Bethlehem.
Jesus Christ is born!
The savior of the world!
Come into the stable.
Worship with the wise men.
Follow the star, follow the star,
Follow the star to Bethlehem.
Jesus Christ is born!
The savior of the world!
The King of Kings is born!
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