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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Herbert Niemeyer!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Flute Duet/Flute Ensemble Member(s)
See more from Herbert Niemeyer.
Comments for this piece:
From VC: This is hauntingly beautiful!
5.0 stars.
From Helen Vernon: I love the rhythmic movement and chord progression of this song. i do have 2 flutes so we will really have fun playing this beautiful piece. Thank you so much for all of your work!
5.0 stars.
More about Herbert Niemeyer:
I'm a music teacher (piano/voice) for over 30 years and tired of writing for only my immediate surrounding. As a choir director of my ward I am fortunate to use my choir as a test subject from time to time. The copyright only means to please share this music, but please don't change it nor charge anything for it. Enjoy!
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Herbert Niemeyer!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Flute Duet/Flute Ensemble Member(s)
See more from Herbert Niemeyer.
Comments for this piece:
From VC: This is hauntingly beautiful!
5.0 stars.
From Helen Vernon: I love the rhythmic movement and chord progression of this song. i do have 2 flutes so we will really have fun playing this beautiful piece. Thank you so much for all of your work!
5.0 stars.
More about Herbert Niemeyer:
I'm a music teacher (piano/voice) for over 30 years and tired of writing for only my immediate surrounding. As a choir director of my ward I am fortunate to use my choir as a test subject from time to time. The copyright only means to please share this music, but please don't change it nor charge anything for it. Enjoy!
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The name actually doesn't mean much. It just seemed better than "Song Nr. X". It was important to me to show a flowing character in this song, contrasted by a more capricious and playful middle part. The more obvious flowing move of the left hand was almost getting too much. More important is the rhythmically flowing instigation, or push, of the right hand pattern, found in the first measure (and 6th and 10th...).
At the time of writing, I had two flutists available. Unfortunately this song was never performed though. For what its worth: I always had Easter in mind writing this; don't ask...

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