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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice

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More about Wendiann Trent:
•BYU-I (Ricks college) graduate •Music Educator- private piano/vocal coach and charter school music teacher •Award winning Composer •Arranger •Pianist, Vocalist, Organist, and Accompanist •Recording Artist •Performer- youth firesides and inspirational programs
Song background:

This song is inspired by my mom's testimony of Christ and His peace. She graduated to heaven on October 29, 2020 after a long struggle with Inclusion Body Myositis. Through her trials, she always said she was "grateful" and added green hearts to everything she could. This song is dedicated to her in loving and grateful memory for all she did to encourage my love of music (she was my #1 fan) and to nuture my own testimony. Miss you and love you, Mom!

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