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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Thomas M. Waldron!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Thomas M. Waldron.
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More about Thomas M. Waldron:
Tom has a music education degree from Utah State University and a Master Degree in conducting from Brigham Young University. He taught high school choirs for thirty years at Granite, Brighton, and Jordan High Schools. He also organized and taught high school English handbell choirs at Brighton and Jordan high schools. He sang with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir (now called the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square). He also was the first director of the Bells on Temple Square.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Thomas M. Waldron!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Thomas M. Waldron.
Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ
Choir with Soloist or Optional Soloist
Savior/Jesus Christ
Choir with Soloist or Optional Soloist
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More about Thomas M. Waldron:
Tom has a music education degree from Utah State University and a Master Degree in conducting from Brigham Young University. He taught high school choirs for thirty years at Granite, Brighton, and Jordan High Schools. He also organized and taught high school English handbell choirs at Brighton and Jordan high schools. He sang with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir (now called the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square). He also was the first director of the Bells on Temple Square.
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