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More about Judy Checketts Hatch:
Born in Ogden, Utah. I have been writing music since I was young. I have 4 children and live in Evanston, Wyoming with my husband, Jim.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Judy Checketts Hatch!
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More about Judy Checketts Hatch:
Born in Ogden, Utah. I have been writing music since I was young. I have 4 children and live in Evanston, Wyoming with my husband, Jim.
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I have seen many miracles in my life and in the lives of others and wanted so much to bear my testimony of that through music. This song was the result of that. I know miracles happen--every day. Judy

Lyrics: Miracles come, in different ways and yet some say, "There's no such thing."
But miracles still happen no matter what the world may think.
The mountains move when faith steps in, so put your trust in Father's hands.
For no one loves you as he does, you know he really understands.
Expect a miracle, for one will come.
It may not be right now, or when this day is done.
And yours might be disguised, not easily seen by some,
But peace, my child, a miracle will come.
2. Prayer is the key to Heaven's door. You must begin upon your knees.
And if you pray, in faith my friend, the turmoil in your soul will cease.
Heavenly Father has promised all that he would be there constantly
And if you pray and seek his word, He'll guide you to eternity.
Expect a miracle, for one will come.
It may not be right now or when this day is done.
And yours might be disguised, not easily seen as some,
But peace, my child, a miracle will come.
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