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Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo

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Related song categories are:
Instrumental Music or New Age

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Song background:

Straight out of high school I headed for Brigham Young University.  My first semester, fall of 1980, I took a composition class with Murray Boren.  I remember him telling me that when I write music I need to stay with just one theme.  He could take one of my compositions and divide it into three separate pieces.  My justification at the time was that I didn’t want the listener to get bored.  He was probably scrutinizing this piece when he made that observation. 

Emotions is one of my earliest writings – high school days, in fact.  Back then I wasn’t too concerned with musical form.  Nowadays I do try to keep the structure of the piece in the back of my mind as I’m writing, but I must admit that sometimes I fall back into old habits and just let the music carry me away.


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