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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Andrew Hawryluk!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

We also have other 30 arrangements of "Did You Think to Pray?".

See more from Andrew Hawryluk.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Joseph Smith

Comments for this piece:
From Amy Seiter: Such a beautiful piece! Our choir loved singing it.
5.0 stars.

From Ruth: We sang this at Stake Conference yesterday and loved it. We got so much positive feedback on how beautiful it was and how much it enriched the meeting. The second verse where the men comes in is just inspired. The interplay of the voices and the accompaniment is gorgeous.
5.0 stars.

More about Andrew Hawryluk:
Many thanks to Andrew for letting us post his music.
Song background:

There’s nothing revolutionary here, but I really like the way the accompaniment and the vocals work together. 

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