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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, SSATB

See more from G. Campbell Fitzhugh.

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Related song categories are:
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
A Cappella/Optional A Capella
Includes Vocal Obbligato/Descant

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More about G. Campbell Fitzhugh:
Became a seeker of Conservative Anabaptism while in college. Member of a Conservative Mennonite church. Interest in composing hymn tunes for existing lyrics and writing descants to fit above four-part choral settings.
Song background:

Lyrics by Simon Browne, 1720.

Music by William B. Bradbury, c. 1858.  Descant, GCF, 2021

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Lyrics: Come, gracious Spirit, heavnly Dove,
With light and comfort from above;
Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide,
O’er every thought and step preside.

The light of truth to us display,
And make us know and choose Thy way,
Plant holy fear in every heart,
That we from God may ne’er depart.

Lead us to holiness, the road
Which we must take to dwell with God,
Lead us to Christ, the living way
Nor let us from his pastures stray.

Lead us to God, our final rest
To be with Him forever blest,
Lead us to heaven, its bliss to share,
Fullness of joy forever there.
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