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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, SSATB, SSATBB
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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Steven Tomer!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, SSATB, SSATBB
See more from Steven Tomer.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Gathering of Israel
Missionary Work
Savior/Jesus Christ
Second Coming/Millenium
Gathering of Israel
Missionary Work
Savior/Jesus Christ
Second Coming/Millenium
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The hymn Come All Ye Sons of God is a wonderfully rousing missionary hymn. The women never sing it, because it's in the Men's section of the hymnbook. But the only part of the song that is male-specific is the first line. Everything else is generic to missionary work for both men and women.
So I changed the first line (and the title came with it), and it is an amazingly wonderful song to sing as a choir!

Lyrics: 1. Come, all ye saints of God, and follow Christ, your Savior!
Go spread the gospel wide and gather in his people.
The latter-day work has begun:
To gather scattered Israel in
And bring them back to Zion to praise the Lamb.
2. Come, all ye scattered sheep, and listen to your Shepherd,
While you the blessings reap which long have been predicted.
By prophets long it’s been foretold:
He’ll gather you into his fold
And bring you home to Zion to praise the Lamb.
3. Repent and be baptized, and have your sins remitted,
And get the Spirit’s zeal; oh, then you’ll be united.
Go cast upon him all your care;
He will regard your humble prayer
And bring you home to Zion to praise the Lamb.
4. And when your grief is o’er and ended your affliction,
Your spirits then will soar to await the Resurrection;
And then his presence you’ll enjoy,
In heav’nly bliss your time employ,
A thousand years in Zion to praise the Lamb.
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