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Voicing/Instrumentation: SA
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Come unto Christ Mutual Theme 2014
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I was asked to write a song for the new 2014 Mutual Theme this year. Some songs come very quickly, some don’t. This one took a while, but I loved the lessons learned from it, the inspirational moments that came in small increments. I am even grateful for the struggle I had in trying to get it here. I am very grateful for the opportunity to write. Experiences such as these, help build my testimony and my love for my Savior. I would like to give a special thanks to Paige Miller for being willing to come and record it with me. I am grateful for all the encouragement and thoughts from great people/friends. I am very grateful for the gospel and the peace that it instills in me. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. Though I cannot even come close to comprehending the depth of what He did for us, my heart is filled with love, gratefulness, and reverence. I will always come to Him, to my Savior, my Lord and King.
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Lyrics: On bended knee
I clearly see
Weakness fills my past.
But visions of
God’s perfect love
Free my mind at last.
With gentle hands He
beckons me.
They bear the mark of love.
He did not come
for only some
But calls to everyone
The tempter tries
To tell me I’m
unworthy of God’s light
But those hands,
My Savior’s hands,
show me otherwise.
His call for me
To live perfectly
Can only be achieved,
Because those hands
Can break these bands
Cleansing perfectly.
And it gives me hope to know I’m not alone
On this path so far from home
And hope to see so perfectly
The hands that rescue me.
And I come, I will come.
Come on bended knee.
I will come, Always come.
To my Savior, my Lord and King.
I rise with strength
and try again
To walk along his path
His perfect life
My guide and light
My shepherd and my staff
And when I fall
to the tempters call
And bear the weight of sin
I know His hands,
can break my bands
That I could enter in.
In His Hands.