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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Aaron Waite!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SAB

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Related song categories are:
Missionary Work

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More about Aaron Waite:
AaronWaite.com's free sheet music now offered exclusively through freeldssheetmusic.org! He also has a wide selection of high quality (and very cheap) sheet music on his website.
Song background:

I was made aware of a choral composition competition at Jackman Music Co., the leading publisher of LDS sheet music in the world. The competition's theme was missionary work/raising the bar, and was required to be in SAB format. "Come Join" was my submission. Well, it obviously didn't win because Jackman didn't publish it, but Jerry Jackman, president of JMC, did give me some professionally positive feedback. I would say this work "conforms" a little more than normal, if you catch what I mean. The hymn version was developed shortly after the SAB arrangement but not 'laid down' until 2004.

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