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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Linda Hartman!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo
See more from Linda Hartman.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Danielle the Choir Pianist: Chose this one for a Christmas solo for the slightly minor but rich sound. Came down sick so I wasn't able to practice as often as I wanted, but it still came together quickly (for this seasoned pianist, anyway). I wasn't sure about the transitional sections between pieces but in the end this piece grew on me, and after the performance a member said it was so beautiful she cried (kudos to the composer!). TIP! For maximum ease of page-turning, I recommend placing p. 1 on the left hand side of your binder (facing p. 2), then turning the page at measure 37 JUST BEFORE starting "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen". You can begin the first phrase of "God Rest" at the top of measure 41, repeat to 20, then play on through. I originally had my first page alone on the right-hand side of my binder and the pageturning was not as easy!
5.0 stars.
From Dennis Douberteen: Good job nice to listen to also. Doing chemo now so my fingers are not corporate ing. This we can handle no pun intended!!!
5.0 stars.
From Gwendolyn Skeens: Linda, your Christmas Medley is so beautiful and well arranged. You have a gift. I hope to use your work on Christmas Eve service. Thank you. I am also a composer and this site is the first I have seen of this kind.
5.0 stars.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Linda Hartman!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo
See more from Linda Hartman.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Danielle the Choir Pianist: Chose this one for a Christmas solo for the slightly minor but rich sound. Came down sick so I wasn't able to practice as often as I wanted, but it still came together quickly (for this seasoned pianist, anyway). I wasn't sure about the transitional sections between pieces but in the end this piece grew on me, and after the performance a member said it was so beautiful she cried (kudos to the composer!). TIP! For maximum ease of page-turning, I recommend placing p. 1 on the left hand side of your binder (facing p. 2), then turning the page at measure 37 JUST BEFORE starting "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen". You can begin the first phrase of "God Rest" at the top of measure 41, repeat to 20, then play on through. I originally had my first page alone on the right-hand side of my binder and the pageturning was not as easy!
5.0 stars.
From Dennis Douberteen: Good job nice to listen to also. Doing chemo now so my fingers are not corporate ing. This we can handle no pun intended!!!
5.0 stars.
From Gwendolyn Skeens: Linda, your Christmas Medley is so beautiful and well arranged. You have a gift. I hope to use your work on Christmas Eve service. Thank you. I am also a composer and this site is the first I have seen of this kind.
5.0 stars.
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).Medley of We Three Kings of Orient Are, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, and O Come, O Come Emmanuel
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