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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Erick Pew!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

We also have other 22 arrangements of "Choose the Right".

Related song categories are:
EFY style/Contemporary

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More about Erick Pew:
I have served as a ward choir director several times, and have helped with various other musical presentations through the years. On occasion, when I haven't been able to find an arrangement I've needed, I've made up my own. I have appreciated being able to find things I've needed on this website, so I decided to pay it back by making some of my efforts available to others here.
Song background:

Many years ago, I wanted to have our choir sing this hymn, and decided to do my own arrangement of it. As I listened to the hymn, it felt kind of like a march, so I arranged it to bring out that quality. The sopranos do an imitation of a trumpet fanfare in the last verse. This arrangement has been performed several times since it's premier, and all of the choirs that sang it seemed to enjoy it.

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