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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Craig Petrie!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
We also have other 22 arrangements of "Choose the Right".
See more from Craig Petrie.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Wayne Perry: I've done this arrangement 2 times with our ward choir. A bishop at one time gave the following compliment: "I've never really liked that hymn, but I loved it this time!" I'm doing it now with our stake choir for our upcoming conference.
5.0 stars.
From Wayne Perry: I've done this arrangement 2 times with our ward choir. A bishop at one time gave the following compliment: "I've never really liked that hymn, but I loved it this time!" I'm doing it now with our stake choir for our upcoming conference.
5.0 stars.
From Karen Nielsen: Wonderful arrangement! Our choir loves singing this because it is so energetic and spirited. My husband, our pianist, loves the zippy piano accompaniment. Thanks for a fun and inspiring piece!
5.0 stars.
From Danielle the Choir Pianist: This song makes choosing the Lord's way sound so exciting and bold and triumphant that it really puts the Adversary to shame. Sing it in your church today!
5.0 stars.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Craig Petrie!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
We also have other 22 arrangements of "Choose the Right".
See more from Craig Petrie.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
EFY style/Contemporary
EFY style/Contemporary
Comments for this piece:
From Wayne Perry: I've done this arrangement 2 times with our ward choir. A bishop at one time gave the following compliment: "I've never really liked that hymn, but I loved it this time!" I'm doing it now with our stake choir for our upcoming conference.
5.0 stars.
From Wayne Perry: I've done this arrangement 2 times with our ward choir. A bishop at one time gave the following compliment: "I've never really liked that hymn, but I loved it this time!" I'm doing it now with our stake choir for our upcoming conference.
5.0 stars.
From Karen Nielsen: Wonderful arrangement! Our choir loves singing this because it is so energetic and spirited. My husband, our pianist, loves the zippy piano accompaniment. Thanks for a fun and inspiring piece!
5.0 stars.
From Danielle the Choir Pianist: This song makes choosing the Lord's way sound so exciting and bold and triumphant that it really puts the Adversary to shame. Sing it in your church today!
5.0 stars.
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).Easy-to-learn arrangement
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