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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Heavenly Father

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AaronWaite.com's free sheet music now offered exclusively through freeldssheetmusic.org! He also has a wide selection of high quality (and very cheap) sheet music on his website.
Song background:

It is an honor to put to music some poetry of my friend (and 2nd counselor in my bishopric) Joe Olivas of St. George, UT. He is a man of God, one of the finest brothers I have ever met. Although I have a good inch on him (which is saying something!), I look up to him in every way. In my mind I imagine the context of this song being the premortal existence. My loving Father takes me in His arms one last time before sending me on my way to the world of corruption, so He sings His final lullaby, telling me He'll always be there. Then off I go, into the loving arms of a mother who sings yet another lullaby. I love the intimacy of the words. Thank you Joe! :)

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