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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Orchestra
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Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Book of Mormon
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Missionary Work
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------------------Part 4: Conclusion------------------
25. Fanfare
26. Chorus "Because of the length of the war, many had become hardened, and many were softened because of their afflictions, they did humble themselves before God." -- Alma 62:41
27. Chorus "There was once more peace among the people of Nephi." -- Alma 62:42
28. Recitative "Moroni yielded up command of his armies; and he retired to his own house in peace." -- Alma 62:43 "And he died." -- Alma 63:3
29. Funeral March (His soldiers march slowly past and form ranks for a final salute.)
30. Chorus "If all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, the very powers of Hell would be shaken forever; the devil would never have power over the hearts of men." -- Alma 48:17 "Satan is bound by Captain Moroni." [Text added]
31. Chorus "For he was a man of God." -- Alma 48:18
32. Chorus "Amen." [Text added]