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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Cantata/Choir Full Program/Play, Orchestra
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Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Book of Mormon
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
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--------------Captain Moroni--------------
A dramatic setting in 4 sections (Part 1: Prologue; Part 2: The Title of Liberty; Part 3: The Scourge of War; Part 4: Conclusion), for Baritone Solo, 4-part mixed choir (SATB), and orchestra.
----------------Part 1: Prologue----------------
1. Fanfares
2. Chorus "A cry of war throughout the land." -- Alma 16:1
3. Recitative "Amalickiah was angry with his brethren, and sought to slay them. He sought to be a king, and he sought for power." "Power corrupts." (*) "He flattered his followers, and led them to dissensions from the church." "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." (*) "He led away the hearts of many people to do wickedly; and he sought to destroy the church of God, and to destroy the foundation of liberty which God had granted them." "Liberty, granted by God." -- Alma 46:2-7, 10. (*) 'Lord Acton's dictum', after John Dalberg-Acton, 19th century English politician. If anyone wants to see in this a political parable for our time -- sobeit.
4. Chorus "Thus we see how quickly the children of men forget the Lord their God, yea, how quick they are to iniquity, and to be led away by the evil one." -- Alma 46:8

Lyrics: 1