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Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo

We also have other 4 arrangements of "Can a Little Child Like Me".

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Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Heavenly Father

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More about Amanda Mae Howe:
Amanda Mae Howe has been playing the piano since she was six years old. She received her BM in Piano Performance from Brigham Young University – Idaho in 2022 and her MM in Piano Performance and Pedagogy from the University of Oklahoma in 2024. Establishing her private studio in central Pennsylvania, Amanda now excitedly shares her love of music with her piano students. Amanda has pursued arranging as a side interest from a young age when she and her siblings would make up songs together. As a pianist, she particularly loves arranging for this instrument to create beautiful music for worship and performance.
Song background:

"Can a little child like me thank the Father fittingly? Yes, oh yes! Be good and true, patient, kind in all you do! Love the Lord and do your part; learn to say with all your heart; Father, we thank thee! Father, we thank thee! Father in Heaven we thank thee!" I always relate to the child singing this song. How can I thank Heavenly Father for all the blessing that I have? But what words struggle to express, music can easily sing. How thankful I am for everything I have in my life.

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